The Best YouTube Channels for Learning German

YouTube is a global video-sharing platform with creators all over the world making it the perfect place to get free, naturally spoken, native input with visual context. Whether you just started learning German or are more advanced, with millions of hours of content, there’s something for everyone on YouTube.

German YouTube Account

To create the best immersion environment, you should start by creating a new YouTube account only for watching videos in your target language. If you don’t have a second Google account that you can use for this, I suggest following the instructions linked below for creating a Google account that will also allow you to access the German Google Play Store and German apps. Once you have an account you’d like to use, find a few YouTube channels in your target language to subscribe to, you can find some channels to start with below. Only subscribe to channels in your target language. When a video appears on your home page in a language other than German, click on the three dots under the video and select “don’t recommend channel.” For more details on this, watch the video below. You can also use Trancy or Language Reactor to help you understand videos as you watch them. Click the link below if you’re not already familiar with Trancy.


YouTube channels at the beginner level are mostly simple, immersive content for German learners. These videos are educational and easy to follow, so they are great for getting used to German. When it comes to YouTube channels that focus on grammar, don’t think you need to watch every video of theirs, instead use them as a reference. When you come across new phrases or grammar you aren’t familiar with, you can see if any of these channels have made a video explanation. You can also look through the videos they have and see if there is anything that is familiar to you but that you struggle to understand. Watching a bunch of grammar videos isn’t particularly fun, so use them in moderation or you may get burnt out.

Deutsch lernen mit der DW

The DW channel for learning German has lots of educational videos and video courses separated by level. Nicos Weg is one of their most popular video series, and it will take you through vocabulary and grammar concepts from A1 to B1. I highly recommend using Trancy as you watch these videos, so you can look up new words as you come across them and copy example sentences and vocabulary into Anki for later study.

Learn German with Anya

Anya is a fun and enthusiastic German teacher who makes learning German interesting. If you just started learning German, she has a complete A1 course for beginners. If you are more advanced, you can learn new grammar and phrases from her other videos. If there is a specific grammar point you are struggling to understand, she probably has a video on it where she explains it clearly.

German with Laura

Laura’s videos focus on breaking down German grammar so it’s easy to use and understand. She has a 3-hour video that covers all the German grammar you need to know and how to use it. I highly recommend every German learner watch and study this video because it will make grammar much easier.

Lingoni German

Lingoni German is another grammar-focused YouTube channel that is a fantastic resource when you encounter grammar or phrases you don’t understand.


At the intermediate level, it’s time to start moving away from content with English subtitles or translations. Even if you don’t fully understand it, you should at least passively be listening to content that is fully in German. This will help you get used to the way German is spoken, and you’ll pick up new words through context.

Easy German

Easy German is a YouTube channel that interviews native German speakers and asks them a variety of interesting questions. They also make videos about daily situations and German culture. Their videos are a great way to get exposure to native-level German and hear how different native speakers talk. Their videos all have German and English subtitles, but I recommend focusing on the German subtitles over the English ones.

Dein Sprachcoach

This channel focuses on teaching German grammar and pronunciation fully in German. If you’re ready to immerse yourself and work on your accent, then this is a great channel for you.

Benjamin – Der Deutschlehrer

This is another German grammar channel that explains grammar concepts entirely in German. If there are some grammar points you still struggle with or would like to review, this channel is great for both exposure and learning.


At the advanced level, it’s time to start watching fully native content that covers a larger variety of topics. Below are channels I find useful, but I encourage you to find channels you like on your own as well. Anything in German that you enjoy is content you can use to learn!


Gronkh is one of the most popular German streamers and gamers. His videos are on the longer side, so they are good for putting on in the background to get German input while doing other tasks.


Most of Tomary’s videos are him engineering and building wacky experiments and machines. His videos are fun and easy to watch, and you’ll pick up a lot of new vocabulary through the diversity of his videos.

Julien Bam

Julien Bam is one of the most popular YouTubers in Germany. He doesn’t upload very often, but his videos are interesting and have a high production value. He speaks very fast, but his German is standard and easy to understand.


Wailam is an animation story-time YouTuber who makes fun, animated videos about his life and experiences.


Mai is a science communicator who makes videos on commonly asked and sometimes controversial science topics. Her videos are well-researched and great if you’re looking to learn something new.


MrWissen2go is another educational YouTube channel. The channel mostly focuses on politics, history, and current affairs, but will also cover other interesting topics.


Simplicissimus is a video essay channel that answers questions you never even knew you had or would have thought interesting. The videos are well-produced and interesting to watch, so you’ll definitely learn something from this channel.

Robert Marc Lehmann – Mission Erde

Robert Marc Lehmann is a wildlife biologist and conservationist who makes educational videos about ecology and wildlife. He often focuses on animal rights and conservation.

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